“I am very busy at work but I still want to eat healthy. The Lighthouse meal plans are perfect for me. Every week I get a customized set of meals that I can easily reheat at work. And the food is delicious! Highly recommended.”
“I have really enjoyed the food at the Lighthouse. The best part is that is is healthy. I can feel a difference in my physical health. I recommend the Lighthouse to anyone who wants to eat healthier and feel better.”
“I was blessed with a mother's day dinner made by an amazing chef yesterday! The food was divine! He also has a non-profit L.A.M.P. (love and affordable meal plan) for single parents to be provided healthy food for their families.
Support a local business, eat his yummy food and if you can't support financially then ask a business person you know to support them! And prayers are free! Thank you for the blessing Phillip! Such healthy and yummy food, I really feel like this food has the main ingredient of love!”
“A must for busy moms! High protein, low fat and healthy for my kids...I love The Lighthouse meals!! We ate these for dinners for months when I was pregnant and now that my husband's been traveling! So yummy!”
“I wanted to thank you again for a fantastic night I learned a lot and ate great. That very weekend I put some of your tips to work when cooking steak on the grill and my wife noticed a substantial difference. I let the steak warm up first, seasoned with olive oil and salt, pepper and garlic, and then cooked it on high heat and doused it with some bacon fat. I still have a little ways to go to perfect it, but it wasn't bad for my first steak out of the 1,000s it takes to be a master.”
- Ryan Summers